Nutrition and health


I hold a master's in Nursing and have practiced as a health care professional for the past 30 years. Nutrition and whole life wellness are subjects I have been deeply passionate about my entire life. I have continued to explore and educate myself with regard to ongoing research and learning through my career, and am eager to continue to share and explore with you. There basic ideas that generally apply to all, however, we are each unique and often have subtle and sometimes not so subtle differences in what works for us personally. Navigating that trail can often be confusing, frustrating and exhausting. I know because I too have been there.  Let me apply my lifetime of interest and exploration and 30 years and growing of professional education, learning and experience to help you find your path to greater health and wellbeing. 

I would love to help you find the puzzle pieces to your personal jigsaw puzzle of health and wellness...all those little pieces that make up the picture that is uniquely you. 

I love to take the presumed knowns and explore the personal nuances and alterations to help you thrive nutritionally and otherwise. My Western medicine training and experience, as well as my personal and family's health journey, has given me tools and understanding to assist people on their journey down this path.  I am a certified as a "functional nutrition aware provider", and have studied functional medicine since before it was called that;  lifestyle and stress with regard to health and wellness is woven into that learning and I continuously expand my knowledge in these realms. I am passionate about helping others apply these understandings to improve their health and well being, increasing their sense of thriving, rather than simply surviving.

Some of the conditions I have worked with successfully over the years with my standard medical practice patients are sorting out food sensitivities and elimination diets, celiac disease, osteoporosis, PCOS, weight difficulties, endometriosis, mood disorders, prediabetes/type 2 diabetes, elevated cholesterol, and thyroid and other auto-immune disease management and  optimization of health through nutrition and lifestyle.

If you are curious about what this may be able to offer you, please contact me to schedule a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your personal concerns and needs, and to see if we are a good fit. There is no obligation or implied commitment to scheduling an introductory consultation.

Mori Montagne, BSN, MN, CNM, NP                                                                                                                                      Certified Energy Psychology practitioner, EFT-ADV, and Life Mastery Coach                                                                                                                  

Acorn Healing Arts, LLC                                                                                                                                  [email protected]                                                                                                                                                                 503-679-1691
